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Found 28 Results

VIH, Discapacidad y Derechos Humanos: Oportunidades que Ofrece la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad

Existen muchos vínculos entre el VIH y (otras) discapacidades. Como resultado de ello, se han venido incrementando los llamados para establecer una sociedad entre los activistas que trabajan en VIH y los que trabajan en discapacidad con el fin que respondan a las preocupaciones relacionadas con los derechos humanos, incluyendo la discriminación. Related Publications HIV, … Read more

HIV, Disability and Human Rights – Opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

There are many links between HIV and (other) disabilities. As a result, there are growing calls for partnership between HIV activists and disability activists in responding to human rights concerns, including discrimination. Related Publications VIH, Discapacidad y Derechos Humanos: Oportunidades que Ofrece la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con … Read more

Annual Report 2005-2006

Income Security for people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada

This is a series of six info sheets on the disability income and other benefit programs people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada rely upon: HIV/AIDS and income insecurity Employment Insurance sickness benefit Long-term disability insurance Canada and Quebec Pension Plan disability benefit Provincial and territorial social assistance Overcoming the barriers to income security: recommendations for … Read more

Support for survival: barriers to income security for people living with HIV/AIDS and directions for reform

With this report, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network seeks to contribute to the informed development of the laws, policies and programs people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada rely upon to provide them with income security when they are unable to meet their income needs through paid work. This goal is achieved in two ways. First, … Read more

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 10(2) August 2005

FEATURES The criminalization of HIV transmission in England and Wales: questions of law and policy CANADIAN DEVELOPMENTS HIV disclosure no longer required on application form for temporary resident visa Safer tattooing piloted in six federal prisons Ottawa: City Council approves distribution of crack kits Bill to export generic drugs comes into force Recommendations published concerning … Read more

Statement of Common Agenda on Disability, Full Participation and Work

We call upon the federal and provincial governments and private insurance companies to work with each other and with people living with disabilities to bring about long-overdue reform.

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 9(3) December 2004

FEATURES Still underground: searching for progress in realizing the human rights of women in prostitution Steps forward, backward, and sideways: Canada’s bill on exporting generic pharmaceuticals EDITORIAL High time to vastly scale up action on human rights CANADIAN NEWS Ontario: Police disclose HIV status of accused under Police Services Act BC: Campaign launched to protect … Read more

Programming HIV/AIDS: a human rights approach – A tool for international development and community-based organizations responding to HIV/AIDS (Canadian version)

The tool was prepared with reference to Government of Canada policies and practices, and the primary audience is program staff in Canada in non-governmental development organizations community based AIDS organizations the private sector who prepare funding proposals, and manage and evaluate projects or programs, which address HIV/AIDS and related issues in developing countries and countries … Read more

Stories of Community Mobilization

This report presents seven stories of community mobilization. They include: Improving Relations Between the GLBT Community and the Ottawa Police; Fighting to Keep Disability Benefits in Ontario; Addressing Barriers that Put Women in B.C. at Risk; Building a Sense of Connection, Belonging, and Esteem through the International Two-Spirit Gathering Movement; Fighting for a Supervised Injection … Read more

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