HIV, Human Rights, and Sex Work in Canada: Submission to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 47/17 entitled “Human rights in the context of HIV and AIDS”

A growing body of research confirms that the criminalization of any aspect of sex work, including the criminalization of clients, sex workers, and third parties in sex work, violates sex workers’ human rights and is in itself a social determinant of health by creating barriers to accessing health care services and building relationships with health care providers. As the Global Commission on HIV and the Law found, “Criminalisation, in collusion with social stigma makes sex workers’ lives more unstable, less safe, and far riskier in terms of HIV.”

In this submission, the HIV Legal Network makes recommendations to the Office of the High Commission on Human Rights, describing steps States need to take in order to fulfill the Human Rights Council’s resolution on “Human Rights in the context of HIV and AIDS”.

