UNGASS 2016: Recommendations to Canada for Promoting Smart Policy on Drugs

In February 2016, the National UNGASS Working Group (supported by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition and Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network) delivered a brief to Canada’s federal government, outlining 10 priority recommendations to inform the ongoing negotiations at the UN in the lead-up to the UNGASS in April. This will include negotiations at the upcoming session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) (March 14–22, 2016 in Vienna). Beyond the UNGASS in April, it is expected that UN Member States will continue deliberations toward the adoption of a new global Political Declaration in 2019. These global debates at the UN are connected to what countries such as Canada are willing and able to do in moving toward more sensible drug policies at the domestic level.

News release: Canadian civil society calls for federal action on global drug policy
